국내 의학학술지 등재 현황
현재 국내 다수의 의학학술지들이 국제적인 서지 데이터베이스(PubMed, SCOPUS 등)에 등재되고 있습니다. 등재되는 현황을 숙지함으로 국내 학술지에 투고하는 동시에 국제적인 서지 데이터베이스에 게재되므로 이중의 효과를 얻으실 수 있습니다.
연구하신 결과물을 논문 투고 시에 참고하시라는 취지에, 이번호에서는 중요 데이터베이스에 등재되는 국내 의학학술지 등재 현황을 소개합니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다.
◆ MEDLINE 16종 (2013년 11월 13일 현재)
| |
1 |
Annals of Laboratory Medicine |
2 | Clinical and Molecular Hepatology |
3 | Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery |
4 | Experimental & Molecular Medicine |
5 | Gut and Liver |
6 | Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing |
7 | Journal of Korean Medical Science |
8 | Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health |
9 | Journal of Veterinary Science |
10 | Korean Journal of Medical History |
11 | Korean Journal of Ophthalmology |
12 | Korean Journal of Radiology |
13 | The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology |
14 | The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine |
15 | The Korean Journal of Parasitology |
16 | Yonsei Medical Journal |
◆ PubMedCentral 77종 (2013년 12월 9일 현재) | |
1 |
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research (2009년 창간호) |
2 | Anatomy & Cell Biology (2010년- ) |
3 | Annals of Coloproctology (2010년 8월호- ) |
4 | Annals of Dermatology (2009년- ) |
5 | Annals of Laboratory Medicine (2011년- ) |
6 | Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine (2011년 6월호- ) |
7 | Archives of Plastic Surgery (2012년- ) |
8 | Asia Pacific Allergy (2011년 창간호- ) |
9 | Asian Spine Journal (2007년 창간호- ) |
10 | Biomolecules & Therapeutics (2012년- ) |
11 | Blood Research (2010년- ) |
12 | Cancer Research and Treatment (2004년- ) |
13 | Chonnam Medical Journal (2011년- ) |
14 | Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology (2008년 창간호- ) |
15 | Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine (2011년- ) |
16 | Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research (2012년 창간호- ) |
17 | Clinical and Molecular Hepatology (2010년 9월호- ) |
18 | Clinical Endoscopy (2011년 9월호- ) |
19 | Clinical Nutrition Research (2012년 창간호- ) |
20 | Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience (2011년- ) |
21 | Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery (2009년 창간호- ) |
22 | Diabetes & Metabolism Journal (2010년- ) |
23 | Electrolytes & Blood Pressure (2009년- ) |
24 | Environmental Health and Toxicology (2011년- ) |
25 | Epidemiology and Health (2009년- ) |
26 | Experimental and Molecular Medicine (2008년- ) |
27 | Experimental Neurobiology (2010년- ) |
28 | Genomics & Informatics (2012년- ) |
29 | Gut and Liver (2007년 창간호- ) |
30 | Healthcare Informatics Research (2010년- ) |
31 | Imaging Science in Dentistry (2011년- ) |
32 | Immune Network (2009년- ) |
33 | Infection & Chemotherapy (2013년- ) |
34 | International Neurourology Journal (2010년- ) |
35 | Journal of Breast Cancer (2011년- ) |
36 | Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound (2009년 9월호- ) |
37 | Journal of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery (2012년- ) |
38 | Journal of Clinical Neurology (2005년 창간호- ) |
39 | Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions (2006년- ) |
40 | Journal of Gastric Cancer (2010년 12월호- ) |
41 | Journal of Gynecologic Oncology (2008년 6월호- ) |
42 | Journal of Korean Medical Science (1986년 창간호- ) |
43 | Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (2007년 10월호- ) |
44 | Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (2010년- ) |
45 | Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science (2010년- ) |
46 | Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health (2011년 5월호- ) |
47 | Journal of Stroke (2013년 1월호- ) |
48 | Journal of the Korean Surgical Society (2011년 4월호- ) |
49 | Journal of Veterinary Science (2006년- ) |
50 | Knee Surgery & Related Research (2011년 9월호- ) |
51 | Korean Circulation Journal (2009년 3월호- ) |
52 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology (2010년- ) |
53 | Korean Journal of Family Medicine (2011년 3월호- ) |
54 | Korean Journal of Ophthalmology (2006년- ) |
55 | Korean Journal of Orthodontics (2012년- ) |
56 | Korean Journal of Pathology (2012년- ) |
57 | Korean Journal of Pediatrics (2010년 5월호- ) |
58 | Korean Journal of Radiology (2000년 창간호- ) |
59 | Korean Journal of Urology (2010년- ) |
60 | Laboratory Animal Research (2011년- ) |
61 | Mycobiology (2005년- ) |
62 | Neurointervention (2011년- ) |
63 | Nutrition Research and Practice (2007년 창간호- ) |
64 | Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (2012년 12월호- ) |
65 | Psychiatry Investigation (2008년- ) |
66 | Radiation Oncology Journal (2011년 9월호- ) |
67 | Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics (2012년 8월호- ) |
68 | Safety and Health at Work (2010년 창간호- ) |
69 | The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics (2009년 창간호- ) |
70 | The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine (2007년- ) |
71 | The Korean Journal of Pain (2010년- ) |
72 | The Korean Journal of Parasitology (1998년 9월호- ) |
73 | The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology (2008년- ) |
74 | The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (2011년- ) |
75 | The World Journal of Men's Health (2012년 8월호- ) |
76 | Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (2012년 3월호- ) |
77 |
Yonsei Medical Journal (2005년- ) |
◆ SCOPUS 75종 (2013년 11월 8일 현재)
| |
1 |
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research |
2 | Annals of Coloproctology |
3 | Annals of Dermatology |
4 | Annals of Laboratory Medicine |
5 | Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine |
6 | Archives of Plastic Surgery |
7 | Asian Nursing Research |
8 | Asian Spine Journal |
9 | Biomolecules & Therapeutics |
10 | Blood Research |
11 | Cancer Research and Treatment |
12 | Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology |
13 | Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine |
14 | Clinical and Molecular Hepatology |
15 | Clinical Endoscopy |
16 | Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience |
17 | Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery |
18 | Diabetes & Metabolism Journal |
19 | Electrolytes & Blood Pressure |
20 | Experimental & Molecular Medicine |
21 | Gut and Liver |
22 | Healthcare Informatics Research |
23 | Imaging Science in Dentistry |
24 | Infection & Chemotherapy |
25 | International Neurourology Journal |
26 | Journal of Bacteriology and Virology |
27 | Journal of Breast Cancer |
28 | Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound |
29 | Journal of Clinical Neurology |
30 | Journal of Gastric Cancer |
31 | Journal of Gynecologic Oncology |
32 | Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing |
33 | Journal of Korean Medical Science |
34 | Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society |
35 | Journal of Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
36 | Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility |
37 | Journal of Nutrition and Health |
38 | Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science |
39 | Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health |
40 | Journal of the Korean Medical Association |
41 | Journal of the Korean Surgical Society |
42 | Journal of Veterinary Science |
43 | Kidney Research and Clinical Practice |
44 | Korean Circulation Journal |
45 | Korean Journal of Adult Nursing |
46 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology |
47 | Korean Journal of Audiology |
48 | Korean Journal of Dermatology |
49 | Korean Journal of Family Medicine |
50 | Korean Journal of Gastroenterology |
51 | Korean Journal of Internal Medicine |
52 | Korean Journal of Medical History |
53 | Korean Journal of Medical Mycology |
54 | Korean Journal of Ophthalmology |
55 | Korean Journal of Orthodontics |
56 | Korean Journal of Pain |
57 | Korean Journal of Parasitology |
58 | Korean Journal of Pathology |
59 | Korean Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases |
60 | Korean Journal of Pediatrics |
61 | Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology |
62 | Korean Journal of Radiology |
63 | Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery |
64 | Korean Journal of Urology |
65 | Korean Journal of Veterinary Research |
66 | Medicine and Molecular Imaging |
67 | Mycobiology Nuclear |
68 | Nutrition Research and Practice |
69 | Osong Public Health and Research |
70 | Perspectives |
71 | Psychiatry Investigation |
72 | Radiation Oncology Journal |
73 | Safety and Health at Work Toxicological Research |
74 | Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases |
75 | Yonsei Medical Journal |
※ 위의 내용이 필요하신 분은 아래의 첨부파일을 이용하세요.
국내 의학학술지 등재현황(MEDLINE, PubMedCentral, SCOPUS).xls
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