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[19호] 7-9 주요 신착 전공도서






Intravenous medications

 Gahart, Betty L.


Basic, advanced and robotic laparosocpic surgery

  Rakel, Robert E.


Current therapy of trauma and surgical critical care

 Asensio, Juan A.


Massachusetts General Hospital Psychopharmacology and Neurotherapeutics

  Kierszenbaum, Abraham L.


 Memory Loss, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Dementia

 Paul R. Solomon

 Orbital imaging

Mukherji, Suresh K.


 Ultrasound : the requisites

Hertzberg, Barbara S.


Accident & emergency radiology : a survival guide

Raby, Nigel.


 Davidson's principles and practice of medicine,  22nd ed.

Davidson, Stanley

 DeLee & Drez's orthopaedic sports medicine : principles and practice, 4th ed.

DeLee, Jesse

 Epigenetics : the death of the genetic theory of disease transmission

 Wallach, Joel D.

 Goldman-Cecil medicine, 25th ed.

Goldman, Lee


 Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th ed

Harrison, Tinsley Randolph


 High-resolution CT of the lung

Webb, W. Richard


 Injectable fillers in aesthetic medicine

De Maio, Mauricio


Manual of clinical microbiology, 11th ed.

Jorgensen, James H.


Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 20th ed

Nelson, Waldo E.


Pathology of the female reproductive tract, 3rd ed.

Mutter, George L.


Rockwood and Green's fractures in adults,  8th ed.

Rockwood, Charles A.


Rutherford's vascular surgery

Rutherford, Robert B.


Sleisenger and Fordtran's gastrointestinal and liver disease, 10th ed.

Sleisenger, Marvin H.


Ultrasound of congenital fetal anomalies, 2nd ed.

Paladini, Dario


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 간호진단 : 정의와 분류, 2012-2014

Herdman, T. Heather


갑상선 : 영상진단과 중재시술



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